Wow, oh boy do I have a lot of blogging to catch up on. I slack off for a few days, and people are banging on my door, demanding more blogs.
Well, not really. I sense that you're out there, though. The fact is, I've been doing a lot of interesting things lately, and I haven't been writing them down for you, my loyal readers. So I'm going to have to make up for some lost time.
First off, meet Mr. Boulder. Mr. Boulder is not your ordinary rock. First of all, he's fake. Utterly. Why hide it? He was never real to begin with. He was put there for the enjoyment of Bozemanites, and enjoy him we do. Just the other day I was climbing on him, along with about 200 children of varying ages and climbing abilities, along with several nervous parents. The kids seemed to enjoy standing on top and asking me weird child questions when I was huffing through a particularly difficult series of handholds: "Is that hard? Did you buy those shoes just for this? Are you good?"
To answer, yes, it's hard, I bought the shoes to climb, but not just for climbing Mr. Boulder, and... am I good?
Well, I like to think I'm getting better. After all, I just completely circumnavigated Mr. Boulder in a counter-clockwise direction, without touching the top or the bottom. Some large-limbed muscle-bound guy was kind of impressed when I told him that.
Yep, me and Mr. Boulder, showing off our stuff. One of these days maybe even the kids will be impressed.
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