Aren't we all cute and cuddly here? That's me on the left and photographer Anne Sherwood on the right. And the dashing man in the middle? Well, I'm going to be coy about that for now. Let's just say that Anne and I went on assignment in Wyoming, he had something to do with it, and root beer floats were part of the deal.
I've been off the blog for a while, for a couple of reasons. One is pure laziness, another is I've been busier than usual because I've had several new assignments for great publications, and another is that I've had to reassess what this blog is supposed to be about. As a journalist for high-falutin' publications, I can't really express myself in the way that I've grown accustomed to, because I'm supposed to be unbiased - and that affects everything I do publicly, right down to this blog. That's something I totally support, because I embrace this role, and I think the rules are good. As journalists, we have more power than the average joe on the street, so we don't need to assert ourselves in other ways. That all sounds fine to me on paper, but the reality of it hasn't been so easy to embrace. I have to be careful what I say - which kind of defies the original purpose of this blog. Hopefully I'll find a happy medium somewhere.
Here's some new articles for you:
Sculpting a reason to love the wind, High Country News, Aug. 20, 2007
(You'll need to subscribe to read the complete text, at least until Sept. 17 or so. Then it's free.)
Sculpting a reason to love the wind
Eco People, The Tributary, Sept. 2007
Eco People
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