Friday, June 22, 2007

Beyond Organic

Green String's string theory goes past green

I had interviewed Bob Cannard, Jr. for an article for the Sonoma Valley Sun a year ago. His Petaluma farm stand opened since then, and I thought it would make a good article. While I was in California I paid it a visit, and the result was this article that appeared in the June 20-26 issue of the North Bay Bohemian.

1 comment:

RebeccaRose said...

Hmm. I've just taken a sidejob on a local organic farm here in Bozeman and I find this to be a very cool idea. As an herbalist I believe in equal rights for all plants and weed-pulling is SO tedious, but on a practical note, if you're suffocating your crops with weeds, how financially lucrative is that? Something to ponder.