(Photo: The Tetons, with Jackson Lake Lodge in the foreground)
It's that time of year again: the time when I have to figure out what I'm gonna do when the ski season's over.
As many of you know, I returned to Bozeman fully intent on making it as a freelance writer. While I am working and getting paid for that to a certain extent, it hasn't been the flag-waving success I'd been hoping for. So, in January I took up my old job waiting tables at Jimmy B's Bar and Grill at the Bridger Bowl Ski Area.
Which has been great. I'm really happy to be back at work there; I had forgotten what an integral part of my social life it was, much like working at Murphy's Irish Pub was for me in Sonoma. Plus, I come home with my pockets filled with cash, and I get to ski for free on a regular basis.
But the ski season doesn't last forever. It lasts until mid-April. After that, they boot us off the hill and we're made to fend for ourselves.
In the past Bridger Bowl has had a Thursday-Sunday summer season in which the mid-mountain lodge is opened to the public as a restaurant and for weddings, but that plan has already been downsized to weddings only for this summer.
That leaves the following choices: a) Crank up the querying a notch and get more freelancing gigs. Which I should be doing anyway, but I'm having way too much fun with skiing and ice climbing. In the summer I'll be having way too much fun with hiking, rock climbing, mountain biking, and kayaking.
So then there's b) Go back to my old summer job at the Pioneer Grill in Grand Teton National Park. There I'll be able to play in the mountains to my heart's content and then some, and make tons of dough for possible international travel after season's end.
It's tempting, isn't it? But what will happen to the fledgling freelance career I've put so much time into building? Will it fly straight out the window? Will I return to Bozeman starting at Square One again?
What to do, what to do...
I suppose I could work in a regular year-round restaurant in Bozeman... but that sounds too much like a real job. Lame!
If you have any advice, I'd love to hear it.
You can move back to CA and be my pool boy!
I wonder who wrote that? Some anonymous guy leaves snippy comments on my site, too! But the freelancing... what about national publications? I know there have to be some out there that would love to have nature and adventure features about the Montana wilderness, right?
Actually, I am looking for those too, so if you find any, and if they want stories about the Columbia River Gorge, gimme a holler!
I haven't quite figured out how to break into the nationals yet.
Are you calling my girlfriend snippy?
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